Futuroscope: Family Fun Just 3 hours from Paris

Paris is amazing but sometimes a family getaway outside of the city beckons. Recently my family and I ventured to Futuroscope, near Poitiers, to fill this call. This futuristic amusement park is no Disney, it does not have the rides, the lines, nor the complete marketing overload Disney has to offer. Yet it has a different charm, like a gigantic day in the park with the family, discovering science-themed topics, and enjoying hands-on learning.

The idea is a science and technology theme and this shines through in the many options that are offered. Here was what we enjoyed most with our two boys. 


1st Pick: Futuropolis: This area of the park is completely dedicated to little people. There is a slash-pad area so if weather is nice, pack your swim trunks. There is also a giant sand area with construction and digging machines as well as a smaller area with buckets and shovels. In that same space, there are child appropriate rides that you can enjoy with your child or allow them to enjoy alone. My favorite was the Leonardo Da Vinci inspired flying bicycles (Wings of Da Vinci) while my kids enjoyed a reproduction of real traffic as they drove around the track in their own little cars at the Budding Drivers attraction. They also enjoyed the jumping area, the pneumatic power firetruck challenge, mini boats, and the airport themed gigantic playground. This area of the park in itself was a special treat for the kids and entertained them a big part of the day. 

Beware that rides have different height requirements with 90cm being a very minimum for rides, accompanied by an adult. Children who are 120 cm will be able to ride most rides in this area unaccompanied, but what’s the fun in that? Bracelets are given to children with colors to show their height and a guide of Futuropolis height requirements is found here

2nd Pick: The Extraordinary Journey: We added this to our top list because of the amazing images on screen. It is a 4D adventure in which you fly from one beautiful world landmark to another. 

3rd Pick: IllusiO, a magical destiny: I’m not usually into magic shows but this one was great! After getting a magic kit from Santa for Christmas, my 7 year old is really into the art of illusion and loved the show as well. The show was very appropriate for both adults and children and also included some audience participation. 

4th Pick: Inside the building with the giant ball on top, there are giant slides called Astra Fun Xperiences and this was a highlight for my big kid – and also a challenge for my hubby who joined him! There are three options of slides, depending on each person’s height and their individual need for speed but even the slowest one was exciting as my seven-year-old reported riding down the side of the slide most of the time as he twirled down the spins. Consult the website to see the height requirements.


Food options are plentiful in the park but I discovered a few secrets to pass along to others. 

First, as mentioned before, there is plenty of picnic space. Thus if you want to save money or have picky eaters, pack a picnic and there are plenty of spaces to enjoy and no restrictions on what can be brought into the park. 

For parents who want to enjoy an afternoon beverage or an extended meal while watching the kids play, La Table d’Arthur offers a great all you can eat style meal overlooking a multi-age playground. Get a table out front and enjoy keeping an eye on the munchkins while you relax a bit. At the end of a long day, this is heaven…. 

Yet for an even more heavenly experience, try to get a table in front of Le Quai Gourmand. The restaurant has a beautiful patio overlooking the water attractions with white hanging linens which really give a beach feel. Cocktails are on the menu as well as kid-friendly beverages, making it a perfect place to park a bit on a sunny afternoon. 


The park and the area offer a lot of options in this area. Yet I wanted to give my seal of approval for the Pirates park hotel. This hotel stay comes in a family bundle at a super bargain price so we decided to give it a try and were not disappointed. It is not luxury by any means, but offered a standard double bed, single, and two bunks. It was clean and spacious and offered a complimentary continental breakfast, making it a great option for families.