We are an expat family now living in Paris. Having lived as a family in four countries, we moved to Paris with a vision of truly immersing ourselves in our new city and discovering all it has to offer, creating an amazingly rich experience for our children. 

As we discover the hidden treasures of the City of Lights, we want to share our adventures with you as well. Thus both expats and travelers can discover the many secrets of the Paris life with ease. We figure out the nitty gritty details so you do not have to. 

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions about the content on this page or about life in Paris!



Feb 2023: This year has seen the launch of the site and we are excited to begin uploading the content from our first years in Paris. 

July 2021: Our move to Paris in the midsts of the pandemic. Though many places were closed, we continued exploring when possible, and particularly got to know the parks.

Check back often to learn more!